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3 Iconic Dishes in St. Lucia

Not only is St. Lucia a stunningly beautiful and lush Caribbean island, it’s blessed with a colorful and diverse pantry right in its backyard – avocados, bananas, breadfruit, mangos, peppers, vanilla and an array of root vegetables all thrive, thanks to the fertile volcanic soil. That, combined with Creole, French and West Indies influences, makes for a tantalizing caribbean cuisine worth traveling for. Next time you’re island-hopping in the Caribbean, here are the top St. Lucia cuisine you shouldn’t miss when you’re visiting Castries.

  1. Green Figs & Salt Fish: The island’s national dish, green figs and salt fish is actually composed of green bananas – not figs –salted cod and local vegetables. St. Lucians refer to green bananas as figs and they happen to be a staple of the local diet. This dish originated in the first half of the 19th century – bananas were abundant then as they are now and dried, salted cod was inexpensive to import from Canada. Since then, the dish has evolved from basic sustenance into a flavorful, prized dish. You can learn how to make it yourself on our Culinary Discovery Tour from Castries, Spices Cooking Studio.
  2. Callaloo Soup: The St. Lucian iteration of this Caribbean favorite pairs the standard callaloo leaves, okra, coconut milk, onions, potatoes and garlic with mashed dasheen and St. Lucian lobster, conch or crab. You’ll have no shortage of opportunities to sample this savory soup since it’s a popular menu item at restaurants and at the food stalls at bustling Castries Market.
  3. Banana Cake: Courtesy of the perennial bounty of bananas in St. Lucia food, this dessert has become an island classic. Made with typical cake ingredients, the recipe also calls on plenty of mashed banana for sweetness as well as chopped pineapple, orange juice and walnuts to create a tropical treat you’ll want seconds of.

Taste all the flavors of the tropics with us this winter as we explore the best of the Western and Eastern Caribbean – explore our Caribbean cruises now.